James O’Keef Tried To Sex With Abbie Boudreau

James O’Keef attempted To Sex With Abbie Boudreau:James O’Keefe did not completely be his arrow when CNN reporter Abbie Boudreau is hoped are going to be invited clear “sex den.” dildos, lube wives, to diffuse, Viagra and also a roofing mirror: but conservative clown, who obtained the secret sting of humiliation by ACORN add-ons centered within the suggestion to move from this evening of laughs provided is certainly enough. What, no food or sex underwear straws? O’Keefe said that was their plan for revenge as “use for that movie digital camera to seduce” “for their personal use to spin lies about me seduce, trying .

” Congratulations “is a joke that things transformed on CNN is making use of hot blondes to entice respondents to spoil on television, you seduce this thread for television are wrong ..” for those who can follow this logic,: a planning document obtained through a network which you must be considered a young conservative.
First, I gather weird O’Keefe received miscellaneous sex shop was a real threat, even dull, in reality trying to seduce Boudreau. However, I credit to O’Keefe generously’m smarter than this. So what was the purpose of supporting him? possibly they think a conservative Boudreau a dirty secret about a begging existence only to highlight what happened with the salacious story I desired to crazy. See that CNN is component O’Keefe violence – which is ridiculous, because the network is “sometimes to the point of incoherence allergic reaction”, as Alex Pareene says – perhaps Boudreau wild background could be handled and shame ‘O Keefe is revealed as a hoax.


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