Messy Mya Death Photo

Messy Mya Death Photo:Social media has elevated comic dirty Mya to Internet fame when his YouTube video gained significant popularity, but its current online presence strongly unfunny.

According to reports, 22-year-old Louisiana man was killed just after 8 pm on November 14 in the seventh ward of New Orleans, and shortly after the assassination, photographs of his body tend to have started on Twitter.

Last Tweet Mya says: “Finally babyshower today!” It is believed that he spent his last hours at a baby shower for her son, whom he had expected.

After he was shot, the body of Mya was lying on the sidewalk, and a large crowd of people gathered around him. Nameless passerby photographed the body and subsequently tweeted them. Title Mya quickly rose to the top of the trends in Twitter, as some people are tweeting a protest against the photos, and other Re-tweeting them. The photos were removed from Twitter, but re-posted elsewhere on the Internet.

Mya was known as a personality YouTube. His videos (none of which are family enough to Zap2It per share) the signs of his rap, and spending time with friends. In a recent video, he expressed his joy over expecting a baby.

“Baby coming out on the road, I am so happy. I can not wait for my baby to get here,” he said. “It’s a boy. He’s going to be hot. It comes in the real world soon.”


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