Google Birthday,Trou Du Cul

Google Birthday,Trou Du Cul:Two years ago, Google offered its Google Chrome for us. In addition, she became a successful products offered by Google and this fact can not be denied.

Google rolled out the sixth version of the browser, which is available with several cosmetic, as well as the skin changes. Users will notice the following additions: it offers a powerful tool autofil. In addition, the new version comes with a new single menu, whereas the earlier versions included two menus. There is also changed with the timing, you can now synchronize data between auto, as well as extensions.

In addition, the new version of the browser maintains a hardware acceleration. If you do not know what the duties hardware acceleration, let’s just explain to you.

Currently, Web pages are becoming more complex and difficult for your old browser, to make them. As a result, GPU computer tries to help provide these complex pages more efficiently and faster.

Version 7 Chrome, is expected to support hardware acceleration. In addition, it is expected that the next version will be released shortly.


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