Julia Roberts Hindu, Actress Converts to Hinduism

Actress Julia Roberts has converted to Hinduism. Julia discovered her interest in this religion while filming “Eat Pray Love”, a movie about a woman that looks to find herself through the Hindu spirituality.

In a recent interview with Elle magazine Julia said: “I’m definitely a practicing Hindu. Golly, I’ve been so spoiled with my friends and family in this life. Next time I want to be just something quiet and supporting.”

Julia Roberts Hindu conversion was inspired by the movie and her visit to India. She was born to a Baptist and Catholic couple, so this way of life was something really new for her. The actress, who now do chants, pray and celebrate in Hindu temples, has stated also that next life she want to be reincarnated as “something quiet”, marking the difference from the chaotic life of a celebrity.

The movie “eat Pray Love” is scheduled to be premiered on August 13th.


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