Katie Vick: Worst WWE Publicity Stunt

Recently on WWE Raw, some classic clips of different events in the WWE that are now part of the WWE history, were shown. There were many clips for the entertainment of the crowd, but one in particular caught the attention of a huge WWE fan base; that clip was of Katie Vick.

This was the clip of a sick publicity stunt that the McMahons put up in 2002. Because the incident is 8 years old there are a lot of people out there who don’t know what it’s about. That is the reason that people got very concerned about the incident when the clip was shown.

According to the classic story Katie Vick was a girl who was in a relationship with the wrestler Kane. One night on WWE Raw in October 2002, after Kane won a match teaming up with Hurricane, Triple H interrupted the celebrations and accused Kane of killing a girl named Katie Vick. The crowd was shocked. A few days later Kane said that it was a car accident and Katie Vick was his girlfriend. The cause of the accident according to Kane was getting off the road while trying to save an animal. But Katie died in the accident according to Kane.
After that Triple H accused Kane of having sex with Katie Vick after she was dead. To prove it Triple H showed footage of himself wearing Kane’s mask and pretending to have sex with a manikin in a casket. This was undoubtedly the worst and most disgusting publicity stunt WWE could think of.


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