Cal Culver Christopher Reeve AFFAIR

Cal Culver Gay Porn Star has revealed "after his death," which had an affair with Superman star Christopher Reeve. The revelations appear in a book called "Hollywood Babylon Strikes Again", where we can find an interview Culver gave before his death in 1987.

"Christopher was a great lover and I think the sexually liberated. I did not think he was gay but he seemed willing to try anything once. I was curious." Cal Culver says in one part of the book in which they learn how the two met when they were auditioning for a role on Broadway in the 70s.

According to the interview, Culver and Reeve had a relationship for two months until the Reeve broke because Culver was also heard Casey Donovan, a gay porn star. However Calve Reeves recalled as the "man of her dreams."

As you know Christopher Reeve was a 12-year marriage with wife Dana, and have a child, besides the two children he had in his previous relationship. Reeve died in 2004 of heart failure after having been paralyzed since 1995.


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