Kristina Hagan Suing David Boreanaz for Sexual Harassment

A woman named Kristina Hagan is suing the actor David Boreanaz ("Angel," Bones ") for sexual harassment. His lawyer Gloria Allred, who worked with Tiger Woods fans', has already filed suit, which also includes" the intentional infliction of emotional distress. "

In recent months, Boreanaz has admitted that a cheating spouse, and despite all the problems and the media coverage of his wife said they were going to stay together and overcome these problems infidelity. But now comes another scandal for the actor.

Hagan, an actress, allegedly met on the set Boreanaz of "Bones" and according to the story, the actor told him he could get more work in the program and asked for personal contact information. In September last year, offered to give him a ride, and that is where the dirty things that allegedly took place:

"[David] tried to kiss her and touch her breasts, but she refused. [Then] dropped his pants, pulled out his penis and began to stroke until he ejaculates. Also" be pushed over it, and when he tried to put hand down his pants and touch her, she pushed him out of it. "

If you thought that was gross, there's more ... David allegedly sent photos of his private parts Kristina, and a similar incident took place on September 29, Fox Studios, where he was to audition for a role in the House.

Boreanaz representatives have called on the false accusations: "The allegations concerning any alleged misconduct by David Boreanaz are totally fabricated and absurd. There is no validity to this claim."

Make sexual harassment lawyer said at a news conference: 'She is an actress who is working toward their goals, but like many other actresses have not been able to achieve. For this reason it is extremely vulnerable as many actresses in Hollywood. Ms. Hagan complaints are exposed to light demand. We will not comment further on them. "


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