National Day offers cheese

Today is National Cheesecake Day 2010, and many stores offer great deals for guests who want to participate in the celebration! Here are some sweet deals for today in some parts of America.

The Cheesecake Factory offers its customers any segment that currently have (about 30) at half price all day. This event is also a charity event. For each slice of purchase, 25 cents will go to Feeding America. In the last two years, the company has been able to raise $ 1.2 in the love!

If you are in Chicago, you may also enjoy cheesecake slices of Eli's Cheesecake free. And to this day even more delicious, they're offering a different flavor every time! If not in Chicago, Eli has another promotion for you: free shipping on all orders today!

More promotions for National Cheesecake 2010? Share them here!


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