Cat Poo Coffee in just $ 30 in New York

Cat poo coffee has arrived in New York! There is a coffee shop in New York called Puerto Rico, which serves a delicacy known as "Kopi Luwak" coffee beans made out of feces a lot like mammal called the civet cat.

When the cat processes the coffee beans in the stomach, they add enzymes that break down the coffee, adding an incredible flavor, according to experts. This whole process also makes it an expensive coffee, costing $ 30 a cup and a pound of these beads can range up to $ 400! Yes, you pay much more for food based on poop.

Peter Longo, owner of Puerto Rico, said: "At first I wanted to take. I thought I was a bit dirty due to its source,"

Would you try a cup of cat poop coffee or you feel very uncomfortable?


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