Tom Vilsack Apologizes

Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture, has publicly apologized to former USDA official Shirley Sherrod forced to resign after a video based in a speech in which there appeared to be racist, but really it was edited and taken out of context.


In an apology in front of reporters, he took sole responsibility for his dismissal and said the White House did not intervene in this matter. He also apologized personally to forgive Sherrod, Tom Vilsack, for his hasty reaction. Also offered a new job, but she still thinks if you agree or not.

Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart has released video irresponsibly take everything out of context. The video was shot years before entering the agriculture department, and was not even racist, but a part of a speech in which he explained how race-based thinking must be overcome.

The press secretary for the White House, Robert Gibbs, also apologized today on behalf of the Obama administration:

"A great disservice was done. An apology was owed. That's what we did. Decisions were made on the basis of an incomplete set of facts, I think this is a fair way to say, the members of this administration members of the media, members of different political factions on both sides of this, have made determinations and judgments without all the facts. I think that is complete and accurate. I believe without a doubt, Ms. Sherrod is owes an apology. "


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