Chrissy Steltz Prosthetic Face, Girl Gets Help After She was Injured By Shotgun

Chrissy Steltz was only 16 when an accidental gunshot during a teen party flew from his face, including eyes, nose and cheeks. This was 11 years ago while she was a sophomore at Portland Franklin High School. Now it's been years and has finally got a prosthetic face to help her look normal again.

Chirssy had to live every day with a sleep mask as a way to cover your face and not to expose the gaps that had about as a result of the explosion. Now you can use the face of prostheses provided by doctors, who have worked hard to make a transplant looks normal with the best technology.

The idea of the prosthesis was thanks to Dr. Larry Long and became a reality thanks to Dr. Eric Dierks, and Dr. Over. has published a great article about all the details about the case if you are interested. You can see here.

Chrissy Steltz is now the mother of a 1 year old, who became his inspiration for getting a face normal again, so it can look like a mother "normal."


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