Starcraft 2 Reviews Hit the Web

Starcraft 2 is available! The most anticipated game of Blizzard's finally seen the light and the fans have been waiting years for it! Now, the interest seems to be centered on the Starcraft 2 comments. People who are unable to buy the game at launch is seeking views on the game, and if it is a worthy successor to the original Starcraft.

While the magazines are still in the works, you can read some comments from Amazon users, both UK and U.S. HERE.

Here are a couple of them to give you a taste ...

"There are some new interesting features in the single player game. You get updates of research and the purchase of new types of units (Warning: some of these units are not available in multiplayer). It is also delivered in the history a chat face to face with other characters as well as through the standard scenes. As for the mission during the game play, Blizzard has stayed true to form. Basically, if you like in single player SC1 that we should love SC2 mode single player. "CandyTX User

"It seems Blizzard is trying to turn the franchise into a new StarCraft WarCraft world phenomenon - and at the same time, using as the vehicle StarCraft II, Blizzard is trying to turn into steam battlenet again. Unfortunately this leads to a product tasty and barely using his fan base to advance their corporate ambitions is always in bad taste. "Neurosplicer User


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